Yes, you gotta be understanding that he behave like a crazy person and curses and shouts and don't want to hear logic because he was not loved and cherished in his childhood, because his own brothers betrayed him, because he doesn't have money now. So even if you were also raised in an equally shitty environment, even if you also had to take care of your parents' household and also make money for you and your sisters' tuition fees since you were 14, even if you were spotted by his hound brothers, a poor, simple well-behaved girl with a heart of gold, and were scapegoated to be the bride for their brother at your 20, and didn't get a chance to make a career for yourself (because you had to take care of his household after your marriage, and stop pursuing your education and studies after the marriage and after you had a baby at 23, and he was doing no work at all, outside or inside home, so you had to take care of the finances too); you Understand him and treat him nicely, like a mother and also a wife.