Yes exactly! I feel so frustrated why almost no woman comes up with this idea and then search for other like-minded women. But then I am also half- guilty of it so far, the idea is pretty solid inside my head, but so far I have only told it to one woman, my permanent listener, my mom. I hinted about it to two of my friends but didn't have the courage to clearly express the thought. I think first we have to open our mouth and raise awareness about it, we have to make this idea reach to at least 30% women, we should not exclude men completely from this idea too, there are many men who havr some women in their lives they care about, in most cases it won't be their girlfriends or wives, but maybe sisters and daughters. We also have to show how matrilocality and matriliny are the natural way of life, almost all the other mammals other than humans live like that, and our human civilization has also been like that for millions of years with just 5-10k years of patriarchy in recent times. We have to show how a matriarchy everywhere around the world can keep a check on blood-thristy war-headed male politicians, business tycoons, how it can preserve peace and help us focus on real issues and prosperity. And we also have to make it very clear that feminism doesn't mean all women's right and all men's wrong because although feminism never once says that, it seems to be the primary idea that comes to any average person's mind when they talk about it, and they then blame all the patriarchal, oportunistic, gold-digging, cowardish women on feminism and that very blunderous idea is their only view about feminism. The thing is there's rampant misogyny everywhere in out society, most men and women are misogynist to some degree because our patriarchal culture is based on blaming, controlling and belittling women mostly, we just pass on that "value" generation after generation through little and big things. I don't think it's ever possible to counter that misogyny just with talks about equal rights, equal treatment, equity etc., we need to change the system, we need actively work towards establishing matrilocality and matriliny all over the world, and most importantly, all at once. Synchronization is also very important. Without it, if people from just one place suddenly start becoming more aware, the other places create patriarchal geo-political pressure on that place, and ruin whatever they were building. Just like what is China is going to do with Taiwan, just like how so many bloody politicians go on ruining everything good in our lives but if one or few courageous people stand up against them, they just very easily ruin their image by misinformation and the rest is done by us, the commoners, we just tear these people down. It's frustrating, desparing, and it's just going on and on, this gotta stop. We should work towards it.