"Well, the social media piece said that women have no need for men "genetically or physically". This is beginning to sound very Nazi-like, wouldn't you say? It's the kind of thing people say before they commit genocide against a group."
Women saying they got no need for men genetically or physically sounds nazi-like? Why? Nazis created a authoritarian and totalitarian rule under Hitler and brainwashed some Germans they were the supreme clan, the pure-bred clan on earth while scapegoating the Jews, the women's rights and freedom, the liberals, socialists and scientists, educators, priests, and actually everyone towards the end, but the Jews, liberals, socialists, lgbtq+ people were the special scapegoats, given special treatment of execution in concentration camps. But, how do you equate the above two? Nazis didn't say they didn't need Jews, they said Jews are the reason for all the evils in their lives and only by executing them their lives can be restored. Women don't want to or don't have the capacity, the heart, the time or energy to kill men. Women want freedom and equality of choice, and treatment you know, not craziness and chaos.
"Just switch the genders, replace them with women and see how it makes you feel."
Let's do that. Let's say MGTOW men starts saying men got no need for women in their lives, genetically and physically. Well, hearing the physical part, women would be very relieved. For the genetically part too, women would be okay, but would very much want to keep a close eye on these men about whether they use their kids as some weapons in their lives or not. Whether the kids are treated properly. That's it. Now if I think more deeply, yes, there's an inherent threat of men banishing all women from the world or simply cut out the women from all the sources of livelihood if they think like that, but from common sense, I don't see how is the same thing possible by women. Women, most of whom still protects our fathers, brothers and husbands even if they raped someone, fights with other women over men, push other women under the bus to get favors from "daddies", protect their kids with all their might (just an instinctive thing). They will suddenly banish men? Not a chance in million years.
"The other reason it makes my blood boil is that it's simply not true. I think both men and women would be profoundly unhappy being completely cut off from the opposite gender."
Sure of course. We all have more in common than not. We all are human beings with the potential of every good qualities.
But, I am still not convinced how such a woman who don't want to do anything with a man is a man-hater. To me, the true man-hating women are those who use shame and manipulation to extract favors from men, who use the patriarchy in their own benefit. But men mostly find those women "natural, feminine, the embodiment of femininity in its truest form" etc. etc. I am eternally confused by this weird notions of men and women.