Unless men do get alimony in India. In India, unfortunately, all marriages are based on religions (and there's a special marriage act for "men and women" from different religions). Alimony law in India is gender-neutral. While there's a maintenance law under the religious laws which states a man must provide for his ex-wife, children and parents if they are unable to maintain themselves, and there the man and the woman's earning and everything will be taken into account. And in reality, only some oportunist women with good social back-up can misuse such laws and extort money from some good old men. The same extortion which happens under all the laws. But men like these will make everything crooked, and tell lie about their culture. This same man says women shiuld be submissive to men, and that most woman want to be submissive. Then he'll say see how successful the infosys founder Murthy and his wife Sudha Murthy is, as she inspite of being a brilliant woman, left her job and became a housewife (but will never say she had another career of her choice, writing books and philanthropy), he'll say everyone has a femininity inside themselves, but then request only women to embrace that, and as per him, embracing femininity means leaving your career and submit to a man. And your job is believing such conniving nutcases. So go on, please keep believing them.