Two things. 95% marriages in India are arranged marriages. But that doesn't mean arranged marriages are good. Most women are pushed to this freaking thing by their own family, it's not like they are very happy to oblige. You should not just listen to the guy and his family's side to form an entire opinion about how arranged marriage affect people here, men and women. You should listen to the women and their sides too. While it's true that some women have supportive families and arranged marriages work for them because their family help them find a good match for them, for most women, it's a sad unescapable trap.
And another thing. Arranged marriages inside India is still fine. Although there also we have horror stories like some son-loving states importing brides from some faraway states and then these unfortunate women get trapped in a foreign state with foreign language and people forever, vulnerable to abuses and manipulation. But, arranged marriages where an expat and their family come to hunt a bride for their sons are often seen as a horror by most women and people compassionate to women because there also these women just get trapped by these men and their family in a foreign land, they can't even return home or contact their family and friends most of the times. Domestic abuse happen frequently to such women. So many women commit suicide and try to warn other women via their suicide note not to ever marry and get into such a situation. These women sent outside for marriage can't even find a job in the foreign-land, there's no house-help outside India (as we have in India) and these women start becoming drained by the family, all the while staying financially dependent on the man. Some of these women were lawyers, office-workers, teachers in India, but their degrees hold no value in a foreign land and they don't qualify for a good job, and their high-earning husbands (and their families) won't let them do low-earning jobs, they would say her to focus on the household and the family instead. So many women try to make vlogs showing online their daily lives with two main purposes: to earn some money and to keep an online presence to stay safe from the husband and his family and also from the people in the foreign land. But these vlogs rarely become popular because it's all the same content. Most women, if they fail to form a community of their own suffer immensely in such marriages.
You should know the complete picture before writing bs.