This is surely a major part of the problem. I have seen this in my parents' house. During the lock-down, my father started chiming in more into the domestic chores. He has been running the groceries since the start though, and for me, until and unless I saw other fathers, was pretty stereotypically normal job of a man. But when he started doing the dishes, or, very rarely cleaning the house, my mom would always "womansplain", she just couldn't help that. She does the same when I occasionally do the dishes too. But my father now do more "homemakersplaining" than my mother when I cook.😅.
But then again, I would point out another 2 major problems. People talk a lot, and blame the woman for being lazy, and blame the man for being unmasculine if the men are seen taking part in the domestic chores, these people should be shown out of the couple's mutual space. Ever better, they should be called out for what they are, sexists. Another serious problem is the men themselves oftentimes complain about how the women are being lazy and making them work at home. In my own home, I experienced that. My father said that. Several times. To me, and of course to my mom. Even though, both of them are retired, so have no outside work, and the majority of the domestic workload is still done by my mother. He gets his vacations whenever he wants, but I have never ever seen my mother going out without taking care of the household even for one day, neither do I remember her "taking a single sick leave" from this homemaking job (I remember my father complaining about her not cooking lunch for me once though. Why? Because she was ill). But I won't blame my father completely for this mentality. My mom let him be like that. She is blind when it comes to her own well-being, outside the scope of her family's direct well-being. My father is not a monster, she could've demanded much more maturity and sensibility from my father without getting violated or anything. She just babysits him too much.
So, it goes around kind of to the womansplaining point only, 😅. This is why I really liked the issue you raised. Because its important. This womansplaining of gender-roles, human capabilities based on their gender etc. also gotta stop.