This article speaks my mind. Male team members in my office so often interrupts us, and demands that we talk about "something interesting" when those are the topics interesting to us. Eg, not long ago, at lunch table, one of my female colleague was talking about how she wants to build a house near the sea, her grandchildren will remember her for that.. I and another female colleague were at the table, we were actually enjoying the convo. But suddenly another male colleague came and sat at the table, and then loudly dismissed the topic. Now I felt really frustrated, I was enjoying it, but couldn't shut him down too, because I knew he'll really feel ego-hurt and will describe me as a whimsical girl from then onwards. And there are too much male politics in the office, so this reputation will further draw me as difficult, and people will believe that and avoid me at work, it'll further damage my work oportunities. But there really should be a way so that we can point out such things within risking so much. This was just one tiny example. Already many more instances are flooding my mind, most of them more serious, or are actually problematic. This article is so on point. We should really teach boys and men to listen to women without interrupting/shutting them down or change the topic. Why can't they just normally put a point without being so disruptive? My father shuts us down when me and my mother discuss a topic at home he's not comfortable with, like how our politicians are acquiting rape and murder victims despite tons of evidence against them, how police are not even filing a report to investigate sexual assault cases. These are really grave topics, if we can't even discuss them freely at our very own home, then I can't even fathom what the victim and their close ones go through.