They should not criticize their wives and talk shit about their marriage in front of other men too, just mentioning out-of-context as I faced such a case recently. A married guy, much much senior to us disussed about how he is such a supportive husband to his wife, and he kept household-helps for her, even buys dinner from outside somedays. Didn't he realize these things are about mutual agreement and understanding and the moment they brag about it to outside people, he becomes an uncool, stereotypically misogynistic husband proving that he has a transactional mentality? Idk. But surely, from after that the guy colleagues would badmouth his wife as lazy and oportunist, in his presence and he then very gracefully would say, "oh, no no, it's not like that, I like to help", clap clap clap! He told me how they are now like " brothers and sisters" from after their kid was born and how although he understands his wife is busy with the kid all day and doesn't have the energy for romance/sex, she doesn't understand him and is demanding of his time and attention. Wow, he was really tellung such private things to me, a random colleague, and he really didn't realize that I would not understand his mind the way it is, since his wife can't provide sex, she doesn't deserve his time and attention for THEIR household and THEIR kids. Wow. How is he different from those guys who expect that their kids take their surnames if they want to inherit their money? Or, the guys who refuse to look after the children and pay child support if the mom doesn't stay married to them and hence serve free domestic, sexual and care labor to them? Does he even realize he has an appallingly transactional mentality for his "love marriage" ? But he really got nothing to be ashamed about, given the reality of the other men, the bar is so low, that he is one of the nicest guy among the guys I ever met. He doesn't mansplain that much, or rather listens when a woman say that he is mansplaining. He doesn't sexually harass that much, although he sits really close, hovering over the women colleagues in office transports, unnecessarily talks about how he stays almost naked at home. He is not that nasty although he talks about his bowel movements and diarrhea out of nowhere. He won't beat up a woman, I believe so at least, unless he has a dual personality, one for outside and one at home... So, yeah, guys really should not talk about their wife's "shortcomings" etc. to strangers in her absence.