5 min readOct 25, 2023


The thing is, most women don't have any issue taking care of their children's needs, but the husband should not demand any unpaid household or care work from an unwilling wife, and vice versa. Also, the husband should not demand or dictate how the wife take care of the children, as long as she takes care of them (my father did this and still does this, and my parents are not divorced, unfortunately, because it is a huge taboo in here, but if they were, they and me, all of us would have been thousand times happier. So, my father used to demand that my mom serves lunch in his time, but now, as the table turned, and now I am the only earning member, not he (Anyway, he never was the sole one, he actually idled away so many years in my childhood doing nothing, no job and no household work, but yes, helped mom to just take care of me, the baby, when he had the mood (but most of the times, he had, he was and still is fond of me). My mom earned too, since the beginning, even after doing all the household work, and taking care of me. We were poor, could not save anything, but his earning went behind our sustenance, while mom's earning behind my education and our family shopping), he again has started idling away, sometimes visits home and stays for weeks (luckily he is not staying permanently with us, since when I was 14, and now I'm 24, I wanted to live separately from him, he did such things that my mom wanted to divorce him, I asked her to do so too, but it's a huge no-no here) and just cooks lunch (cooks so many dishes to impress the foodie in me, even if I repeatedly tell him not to, he tries to constantly to make me believe he is a better parent than my mom, he firmly believes it's my mom, who made me hostile towards him, the hostility is another story, but he really doesn't know and my mom won't let me tell him that if not for my mom, I wouldn't have even seen his face, I don't have it inside me to stay in good terms with him for a long time, because he doesn't let me forget his past bad behavior, constantly repeat things. Also, now that I am earning, and he is insecure throughout his life, he fears that we would cut him off if he doesn't, idk, flatter me, which btw, we won't do, ever, wouldn't have done even if they were divorced, we still would always be family, my parents, connected because of me, and their past shared life experiences for almost 30 years) out of all the houseworks, with mom cutting and chopping all the veggies ready for him from beforehand, and he still blames mom for using him for household work (yeah, he is really logical and funny), but never manages to "serve the lunch by the time he demanded my mom served it". Real funny. Isn't it?)

The concept of marriage should cease to exist as a default system to get children and get a future family, instead we should start co-parenting, single-parenting and normalize and legalize more than two parents for a child too, of course legalize all men or all women parents).
The thing about women's unpaid work though is that you should either agree to our terms, or, let us go, without forcing/manipulating, since the start. But as most girls and women are not made aware of the toll of the unpaid work they are expected to put, or, just don't know about how it would feel from beforehand, we would often realize that we don't want to do this, or, we are having a really unfulfilled life because of this, much later in our lives, mostly when we are already married, or, when we have kids, and there's no scope (given the unflexible and toxic paid work culture of the world) for a career, and we won't be able to do much to change it other than complaining about it or manipulating other vulnerable/young women (the daughter-in-laws of the traditional patrilocal joint family cultures) into doing "our jobs" because you know, we can't demand men do their share, because that's "not masculine", or, seeking for divorce or separation and seek alimony and/or maintainence, if we want, and yes, in most cases, we would want (in my country, these two are different things, alimony is a gender-neutral one time lumpsum payment from the richer ex-spouse, while maintainence is sustenance from husband to wife (and the kids and the parents, basically everyone, if they are no longer living with the man, but was dependent on the man due to social structure and other reasons) because in our country marriage is only allowed under heavily patriarchal religious laws, where the wife is legally severed from the natal family and included into the husbands' family after marriage, and by social and cultural norm, the husband and his family control the entire life of the wife, there's no "no-fault divorce" and not wanting to live with the husband's family results into the wife being legally marked as cruel against the husband and (luckily though) a divorce is granted in such cases, there's one special marriage Act, but that too is for people (actually one man and one woman, there's still no legality of lgbtq+ marriage) from two different religions, so religion is everywhere). Most probably, you are affluent, so much so that you actually managed to pay for all the works your ex put into the household by expensive gifts, and now, as a single father, you don't have to worry about money that much, you have enough to manage both your household and your work outside, but remember only a tiny percentage (not even one percent) of people live like this. And also, if women were not socially and culturally consitioned and forced into doing unpaid household work, we could have made really well-paying careers, enough to never depend on men. Only a very tiny percentage of women, at least in my country (and I know enough about countries outside to know that there's significant gender gap too) can do that, because most of us women, we don't get parental support for education or career, and our patriarchal, patrilocal and patrilineal culture imposes nonsense gender roles on us, both men and women, and discriminates against women when we want to be independent and free.




Written by M

Not the initial for Man/Male. After all, this letter is not only reserved for that. It's the initial of my name, and I am a woman.

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