The "researches" you are talking about, if they really exist, should be condemned, just like the innumerable and non-stop "researches" confirming the gender role bias (and yes, I am talking to you too, I remember the very first comment of yours that I saw was how if men fulfil their "biological role" of being a leader and women fulfil their "biological role" of being a follower/submissive, it can lead to a happy and balanced conjugal life. It was cringe and gender-role confirming bs) should be condemned.
In the reference you gave about black person and violence, you wrote a very dangerous sentence. That black person are more "prone to" violence is not statistically true, correlation doesn't imply causation. So, when it's untrue, there's no point of tolerating it, anywhere.
I do think words like mansplaining should not be used casually, although I disagree with you when you say these words originates from misandry. But using such words casually and unnecessarily is just like the thoughtless pseudo-feminism(although these people don't usually identify as feminist, they take shelter behind feminism only if they are confronted for their stereotype and hateful bs) people do aometimes by blurting out weird and untimately harmful things like "all men are dogs", " all women want rich, tall and handsome men" etc.
But sometimes when a guy assumes their superiority of thoughts and knowledge than any woman in front of them by default, and assumes tons of things and starts going on and on talking nonsense, words like "mansplaining" really help putting a stop to that gibberish.
Not entirely related to this, but I have an interesting experience regarding this rich girl (and boy, yes boys too, blurt out such things) nonsense of "all men are dogs". It was new years eve and some of us friends were celebrating together. There was a couple among us, the guy cheated in three of his previous relationships. He says now he has changed and my friend's friend is the girl currently dating him. We were having a heart-revealing discussion, everyone was saying something about everyone else, and my friend, slightly drunk, said to the guy, "see, don't you dare cheat on my friend again". She was going on and on about that same sentiment, although she was right to fear for her friend, but it was feeling bashy and bit suffocating. So, we stopped her, but the guy she was bashing diverted the topic to how her (my friend's) ex, one of our friends who were not present at the party, treated her badly, insulted and blackmailed her. It was like: " Don't you dare intrude into my relationship when you couldn't even handle your own relationship" kind of attack from him. In response, she blurted out, "We know you know, all you men are dogs, specially that guy (her ex) and I know all the girls here would agree with me." I couldn't stand the bs anymore and I had a place to pitch in now, so, I said, " Let's stop with such stereotype, I don't believe in such childish stupid bs." And, the guy said "Thank you, at last" in a dramatic way making me feel like a hero for a second for nothing. But then minutes later, when it was that guy's turn to speak about others, he started with me, and decided to make me his scapegoat for all the bashing he took from my drunk friend (I hate such people who get bashed by one and then bash someone else related to the basher, they are cowards and also bullies). He started, "I don't know you much apart from the thing that X (one of his friend) had a huge crush on you but you rejected him." So I was nothing else but a friend's crush, although I was his college friend for a long 4 years. Some other guys pitched in and said, "He still has a crush on you, you know". These guys always tried to corner me into accepting their friend's weirdest obsession on me even though I was not willing at all. I had to remind them that the guy they are talking about is currently in a relationship. Next he went on, "So, when are you marrying?" "Umm, probably after I die?" And, he started getting angry at his hero before some minutes who saved their collective asses from being called dogs. "So, you will never marry? WHY?" I couldn't afford to be the "party-pooper" saying the very sane thing like "hold your liquor, that's crossing the boundary of my privacy", instead, I diverted the question to him, " When are You marrying?", and took a mental note not to play the saving-guys-from-stereotypes game again, seeing how it resulted into they stereotyping me instead as a "token of gratefulness".
But yeah, back from the digression, we shouldn't use words like this casually, and shouldn't use words like this to make a roomful of all kinds of men feel guilty and disgraced for nothing they did at that moment but just came to have a nice evening.