So tell me, are the women having sex with those "poor Italian men" by promising them money, relationship or marriage? Or, are they using force and raping the men (if forced rape by women on men is possible, at all)?
But the passport bros do and justify at least one of the above-mentioned things. All they need to have is clear communication with the women, all they need to get is completely informed and affirmative consent from the women. If they do so, they no longer remain passport bros. They are just normal foreigners looking for consensual sex or love and relationahip in foreign country. The argument you try to establish about the women's education level, level of financial independence etc. is not even an argument. I am an educated and working woman from a third-world country too, so are many of my friends. But if an American tourist comes here and try to seduce such a woman, and doesn't say it clearly that all he wants is sex, and he will flee as soon as he gets enough, that is cheating and that is rape. Because by default, while some among us expect casual sex, some of us expect commitment after sex, relationship, marriage. So, if you don't clarify it from beforehand, and later if we accuse you and you start blaming the woman for not "keeping her legs closed", or, not already knowing what was in the man's mind (and that's apparently is sex, I have been told many times, but you know what, women can't read your mind, even more so if you pretend and it's nonsensical and impossible for a woman to assume all men want sex and sex only, specially when our patriarchal system still teach us men are kind of the better and more responsible human beings), for not knowing better, for trying to be an oportunist and a gold-digger; you are wrong. You didn't make things clear, you kept things ambiguous to extract sex from her, you led her on, and you only wanted sex.