3 min readSep 11, 2023


So I had a 2 week-long training, and I chose to share transport with this married colleague who lives in my locality and was searching for someone to share the fare. He is a good-looking one (or, should I say, was, because now I only see a creep when I see him) and I treated him like a friend, I never differentiated between male and female friends, I don't want to. We talked openly, on our way, about stock market, politics, society, my life, his life etc. I always found it weird from the beginning that he chose to manspread so much and sit in the cab with his thighs touching mine, but I gave him benefit of doubt, didn't say anything, and moved around a bit to sit comfortably, outside his zone (you know where you can feel a person's body heat). He had a very snobbish pseudo-liberal view about things, belittling women's problems when it came into discussion, or, saying he also faces the same problem like I guess he also is at the same amount of risk of getting raped and killed at night outside, at least he very vocally said men also have the same risks as women and hence we don't need to really change our society... But yeah, I was kinda okaish with his blabbering because I never talked to a straight guy much more sensitivity than him, he was not at least a pervert, or, so I thought. Then on the last day, he was talking too much about his wife, till date he bragged to me about how they managed to keep their college love intact and got married finally. But on last day, he kept on complaining to me about his wife, said very private and hurtful things about her, really broke his wife's trust on him, so much so that if I had a husband like this and I came to know about him doing something like that, I would leave him. I could not bear it and said those things are from his perspective, his wife's perspective might be different. Luckily he shut up. But near our destination, he said that his wife and kid are going to her parent's house for a month, and if I visit his place, he'll give me a tour. I was so angry inside I wanted to slap him, for his wife. It was not an innocent thing, he most probably lied to his wife and said he was going to the training with a dude, I got this hint from him only, when we were chatting a while ago. But I have a job to safeguard, and he has the power to toxify the office circle talking whatever he wants to, about me, so I just said him I don't visit guys at their place when their girlfriend's or wives are not around. That was a pretty good slap on him, I could see that, and I was a bit satisfied.
So, if you have the ability to read till the end of this long comment, what do you think of this? He is a rich guy, good-looking to at least those who don't know him or the shallow people, but he is a creep, a cheater or at least a potential cheater and a sexual-harrasser.




Written by M

Not the initial for Man/Male. After all, this letter is not only reserved for that. It's the initial of my name, and I am a woman.

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