…n be ‘independent’ and beautifully married, in a loving home with children, that you would die for. But now it’s the other way around: feminists are dependent on the Feminist Movement (which was created to not bring about equality) to feel whole and free, do not care for marriage because goodness forbid they marry a man and because they have ‘an empowering choice’, they end the lives of their unborn babies. Another choice they have is to not fornicate but we shall move on. It is sickening to know that there are people who think all this is liberating and so very positive. It really is not. My opinion, yes but also the opinion of many others from places that thrive and grow. From people who are free and happy because they are not held by the shackles or blindfolds society places on those who follow everything the media spews. They know there are better things than being ‘independent’ because it’s natural to lean on your par…