She is describing sexual intimidation from a man, much older for that matter too which is more intimidating. I just faced same kind of behavior from a man a few days ago, now I'm trying to actively avoid him but also not appear as if I'm holding a grudge or I'm looking down on him because he is a powerful senior colleague at my office and I being a woman, that too at a junior level have 1 million time more possibility of getting fired than any chance of anything done against him. And also, I have a huge possibility of being slut-shamed even though its he who was the slut and also the predator. Now, all these aside, the most terrifying thing is the intimidation, the predatory behavior of a human who is of far bigger size than me, having far more strength and a tendency of sexually assault me and may be impregnating me in the way. And then the second but similarly terrifying thing is the society having mostly men like these in power, most of the people supports men like these, victim-blames the woman, even force the woman to give birth to the babies sired by their rapists against their will. So, this matter is not light at all. You know what I really think? Given men and women have so different physical strength and biology (birth and sexual organ related) that guys are unable to even understand the physical danger they pose to women, given that humans have the system of capitalism, given that guys having so much free time when the women are giving birth to babies, are pregant or worn out after pregnancy, or, are taking care of the babies, elders, ailing people and the household (yes, many guys also do at least some of these, but most women do all these) and in that huge free time, they can aquire skills, acquire money and power and they get the potential of controlling women by controlling resourses; we should really stay separately in gender segregated societies and work towards making that work and making sure we have the future generations coming too.