One of my aunt continuously pressurizes newly married woman in her family and friends circle to have baby as soon as they marry, and after one baby she pressures for another one. She did this to my mom too, but she was a level-headed woman even at that young age of 23-24 and paid no heed. This aunt still continues to be such a nuisance. But she didn't like the fact that her second baby was a girl. My mom had only one child and gave her everything, she knew she couldn't afford more, and more importantly, she knew she didn't want more.
But this is only the story of the women. The men of our family, as much as I know, informed by uneducated friends (one of them, some kind of quack), continued to have unprotected sex (I doubt, they didn't even know about protection, or, even if heard about it, they thought those are insulting to their masculinity, or those are some perverted things, or, even unnecessary). And, as a result, they caused several unexpected pregnancies to their wives. After that, some of them went psycho, and the women who were basically "raped" exercised their choice of abortion, and some men forced the wives to have abortions. Unsafe abortions told upon their health, but a pregnancy can do just as bad to them too. But, these men shouldn't have have unconsensual and misinformed sex with their wives in the first place. They were adults enough to know shits.