One male colleague of mine was once very enthusiastically questioning about when the pride procession is. I thought he is a good and normal guy. But then just a few days after, we were playing carroms, he and three of us girls. Just the queen and another coin was left, so we all were targetting the queen. He said, "Leave the queen to me, what will you girls do with it?" And laughed as if he cracked a great joke. When I said, "That's a really backward thing to say", his face became so red and funny. Another female colleague was astonished by my "out-of-place" comeback. As per my conversations with her at some other times, she things people who use "partner" instead of "girlfriend/boyfriend" (in a heteronormative way, just assuming every freaking one straight), or use "spouse" instead of "husband/wife" are "too woke". So, yes, most of the people are very fake about supporting or even ubderstanding a very common sense thing like lgbtq+.