Omg, till date I used to think may be some friends around me was getting a bit overboard by dismissing the nice guys. But then I met one. He is actually a colleague of mine, married. I shared a commute with him to a 2 week long training program. And he just won't stop asking me why I don't have a boyfriend. And, whenever, in the course of conversation, I would say a marriage and the system as it is, is so inconvenient to women, and problematic, he just dismissed my feelings. Like dude, I exist, I am seeing things around me, I am real, you are not the validator of my feelings! He said to me women just need to choose "supportive husbands like him". And he is so supportivr, that bitch about his wife to his colleagues all the time. He bitched to me, to another rather toxic male colleague of ours, who took advantage of it, and called his wife lazy for not regularly cooking dinner for the man. Now I know why I should run away from a Self-proclaimed "nice guy'.