Oh really? You might want to read about the History when women were not even allowed to publish their articles and stories in public mediums. The women (and men) who fought against that argued equal rights for women, and that comes under feminism as much as I know. We don't even have to look at the History, such things are still happening at many places, and will continue to happen (so the resistance and protest is also a continuous process). Finding out small examples at the moment is difficult (as I don't have the power to watch over people's lives at various places right now, like a fantasy magician), but there's just innumerable examples. Malala Yousufzai and her likes fought and still fight for the rights to education for girls and women in her country and in general, anywhere where women don't have the right. Taliban banned women's education in Afghanistan and women there are fighting to get their rights back. Now, you won't assume that the women whose rights to education are denied will be "allowed" to publish their opinion and other writings in public forums, do you? We do have to fight with women's rights there to force a way out. And, that's feminism.
And, the right to love and be housewives don't need feminism, like at all? Ha! Still in most parts of the world, including my country, women (and men too) are heavily discouraged or punished to act on their love, love marriages are heavily discouraged. T forced marriage, honor killing. And, unlike what many people (I'm afraid you count as one among them) think, most women (and men) are not well-off (because wealth is a zero-sum game, unlike women's rights, and human rights), most people are poor or poorish, so the women don't sit idle at home and enjoy all the domestic bliss, they do have to work hard, do lengthy, tiring and boring domestic labor everyday, not like they are paid at the end of every month, or, get vacation and sick leaves, get bonus or get retirement and benefits, they have to work till they die (although if they have a son, well, they can bring DILs and impose their "responsibilities" on those young women, if not, it's work till they die). On top of these, most women is required to extend a supporting hand in the family income, either by toiling in fields or any other family business, or, do other work to earn money and spend it after the family, and all these labor are taken for granted mostly, women don't get to have any money in their hands and can't even look after their own parents and siblings. So yes, women do need feminism to get these things and actually be happy housewives if that's what they want to be.