No, I am not saying men constantly keep on blaming women for wars, because they don't. What men do (as I have seen from many comments and discussions) that men ridicule women and think that women are inferior to men for no logical reason, but because women are not as physically strong as men, and women don't have to go to wars and instead "gets to stay at home under protection, security and pampering". Other times (not always, but yes, sometimes) some men say that women are the reason behind many wars, and provide misogynistic bs to "back it up".
I have encountered comments from some men under feminist articles, videos etc. which were not even talking about war, and instead about women's rights, equal opportunity, equity etc. and against the gender roles society enforces on women. And those men suddenly comment about how women are more privileged than men, because they are not drafted, they don't have to go to war, if a war breaks out, they "get to flee" (while that is mostly true for many countries like Russia, Ukraine etc., it is completely false in countries like Afghanistan, just look at the gender of the refugees from the recent Taliban take-over, some young girls and almost all men). These men say that because of these, women should stop complaining about patriarchy and gender-roles, etc. But, strangely, these men don't even realize or most probably just don't want to admit that war, in itself, is harmful and highly destructive, one of the most inhumane things on Earth, for all, for men and women. They don't even know or want to know that there's a horrible thing called war-rape done on women (and yes, to many men too) by the soldiers (mostly men) from both sides during the war, and by the soldiers of the winning side towards the end of the war, or, after it. Why don't these men understand that instead of showing these weird and misdirected animosity against women, the sane thing to do is stop idolizing the toxic masculine political leaders, businessmen, and stop romanticizing war, violence, toxic masculine shit, and demand "no drafting" for men too?
Second kind of comment that I encounter under such feminist discussion is how they think that men fight BECAUSE of women, women are the witches making men fight among themselves. How? I ask. Well, then they don't point out the type of women that DO actually somehow manipulate men (create animosity between brothers) to fight among themselves, intentionally or semi/un-intentionally, mostly to fight patriarchy with patriarchal tricks, i.e., they fight against the patrilocal joint family system controlling their lives and happiness by playing dirty patriarchal tricks like making up half-truth/lies about the ill intentions of the brothers (but mostly, their wives' though, and the brothers supporting the wives) of their husbands'. But what do they point out? That apparently, women's beauty, women putting themselves first in their lives, women not staying restricted under the patriarchal curfews and controls created for women, are making men fight among themselves. They give absurd interpretations of the mythological literatures of various cultures, or, movies to prove their "points"(or, somewhat true interpretations, because well, most of these things are written and directed by the men, from the men's perspective only). E.g., they say that the Helen's beauty was responsible for the war in Greek mythology (what should she do? restrict herself inside a dungeon, because she should have known that "her beauty will force men to fight between themselves"?), or, say, Sita (Ramayana, Indian mythology), by crossing the barrier drawn by her brother-in-law, brought her kidnapping and the consequent war on herself and the people (apparently, it's not the kidnappers' fault). These dudes are totally illogical and don't admit that women are also as much humans as them, deserving equal rights and opportunities, like getting to exist freely, roam outside freely, choose their own life path etc.
Third kind of comment that I encounter from these men are under the articles or videos discussing how women should have equal opportunities of getting jobs in police and military etc. and getting promoted without any gender discrimination in those. They say the typical things, women are physically weaker, women are not "biologically designed to be the protectors and providers", women don't go to battlefield but collect paycheck equal to their male counterparts. But never see or admit that women have many advantages over men too, in these fields, women, limited by their physical ability, often don't think by brute force, but intelligently; due to our social conditioning and to fight the social stigma, we can often make into better spies and manipulators than most men, etc. etc. And women have no problem fighting with ammunitions, there we can excel! And lastly, but most importantly, women SHOULD fill up most of the military and other leadership positions of all the countries, because, we, limited by our biology and nature only, are more interested in peace, and de-taste violence and brute force. So, these comments are really bs.
And, no, I am not saying that women DON'T create wars (but yes, I am not aware of any war that any powerful woman is creating just to overpower another nation, just for the sake of it, but as I gave example, many men are, and dude, open your eyes, the mankind, by conditioning, favor war hugely, while women, distaste it), but if a woman is a lone head of a nation or it's military, and there crazy power-hungry toxic male leaders and their bulldogs come to attack, the woman leader would resist war till some point, but then fight back and engage their military, but women leaders (if at all, we can trace women leaders) don't attack other countries, and don't engage in wars unless attacked, now that peace can be not an entirely impossible option.