My intention is not to politically correct, rather to be honest and truthful. You understood my intention wrong, I was calling a spade, a spade there, just the biological/natural role. Yes, males are basically sperm donors, and females basically are baby-making factories, but men and women are humans, there's more to men and women than just being males and females. Reducing a woman just to her wombs and reducing a man just to his balls is what is dehumanizing, what I was not doing. And, it's a bit strange and funny to hear about dehumanization from you. You literally claimed in your last comment that men should have a say in the abortion when they don't want to take responsibility of a baby they caused conception to. It's the women's body and still you want the men to have a say. And, now you are talking about dehumanization of men. Funny, aren't you?
Nurture is actually the most influential thing to shape a human being, to claim anything else is actually what is factually wrong.
And, your last sentence really made me speechless, making me delay this reply for so long. Do you even realize you start your response by claiming I was being politically correct, and you end you response by asking me not to use the term "birthing parent" because it hurts your feelings, aka, you demand I should be politically correct for your sake by not using that term? How is that even logical? Because if I adopt my child, I am actually not the birthing person, so why exactly am I being sensitive about the term? And anyway, biological males are never the birthing people, it's biological female who bear the baby in womb and push them out in time.