My father used to suffer from diseases from ungealthy lufestyle, his brothers saw my mother, saw how she was a meek, poor and caring girl, brought his marriage proposal to her parents and they agreed, cause they didn't have much choice. Same was the case for my second maternal aunt, her husband's bachelor lifestyle caused him to have serious pancreatic problems, she also didn't get much option other than marrying him. The youngest aunt was the last one, after having her their parents stopped trying for a boy-child, so she had the chance to become somewhat independent, could dump her sorry-ass ex-boyfriend who was not bringing anything on the table but the nanny job of looking after his mother and his 2 aunts on her shoulder, and married a kind of well-off guy. But if I was in her place, I would have chosen another decent but not-so-rich guy, and stay with my old parents, anyway it was her life, her choice.
But what I'm saying is that, many women are poor, and that is the main reason they don't have much choice on whom to marry. Sick weird guys almost always get some poor and good woman.