1 min readSep 15, 2023


Most of the men in my life got away with it. Why not give every woman total security and then ask them to write down how many men they know, how many of them are adored by society and how many of these adored men did something bad to them? We raise our boys just to behave like that. My cousin brother seems shy and my aunts and uncles ridicule him saying he will get no woman, hence pushing him to behave aggressively around girls. He is just a kid but he asked me will I wear short skirts? Won't I feel like a whore? So, he and other kids like him, boys and girls alike are taught girls who dresses in a way not comsidered polite are asking to be raped. Girls who roam freely and make friends with guys are asking to be raped. I was also taught that, at least by my relatives and neighbors, but my mother saved me from that hell. People really push guys to be flirty around girls, even when they don't feel comfortable. My friend's brother is also shy and she thinks he is gay. Like wth! We live in a rape culture, so its no wonder most of the men idolized by us are abusers and harassers.




Written by M

Not the initial for Man/Male. After all, this letter is not only reserved for that. It's the initial of my name, and I am a woman.

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