Molding a child to just fit into the thing you think is the social norm is not an intelligent way to bring them up. Bring them up authentically, they will attract genuine people. Fitting into a norm is exhausting, it might be rewarding at a superficial level, but not in the long run. Also it doesn't make the child happy to be taught that they only will be loved and cherished if they perform the gender role society assign to them, otherwise, they don't deserve love and respect.
And to directly answer your question, many women like feminine/soft guys, I won't be able to tell you the percentage but it's a lot. But what I can confirm is most women don't actually like, love or cherish the macho guys for their masculinity. In rough social environments, women choose them because otherwise the women themselves will most probably be roughened up, but in a normal world, women, always search for "feminine" qualities.