“Man Bashing” of an “angry feminist”

3 min readAug 31, 2023


That is, bashing the gender-role enforcers, be they men or women.

When a man (or, a woman) says that more and more women are now becoming married to the government, corporate etc., don’t they see they themselves have always been bitches of the same institutions? That doesn’t seem problematic?

What do they say? Men are biologically meant to be protectors and providers? What other animals, apart from humans have this system of capitalism and privatization of basic resources? What other animals got this thing called money? What other female animals need to serve the male animals to get access to the basic resources of livelihood, and are threatened and violated, their babies harmed if they don't do that? Can they show any such animals? No? Then how is that nature's rule?

So, this thing (gender-role) is not biological. It's not men’s “God-given” responsibility to financially support the women (and anyway, it's a really stupid transaction, getting a sex slave, mommy, nanny, domestic help, manager, side-kick, arm-piece etc. etc. etc. all in one package instead of paying for all these jobs separately and on top of that, they are getting to tag the kids with their family name). Men are not entitled to women's body, time, personal space and energy by default. Women are their own humans, men are their own. Both have to agree fully for each and every interaction between them. If not, that's non-consensual and unjust.

Then some stupid men will say this world is a jungle and it's bound to be unjust? He who got the power, rules? Well, then why do you blame the seductress, the gold-diggers? Those women got so many men wrapped around their fingers only because they deserve that, right? It's a jungle boys, and those women got the game. Why do you cry injustice at the slightest chance of misuse of the rape and assault laws? Those woman got the tactics, she is then entitled to the advantage she gets by misusing it! Why do you even have a criminal law against murder then? Society is a jungle! You have a body, so you can be murdered. It's you who was not protecting yourself!

A huge number of women are trying to get their men attentive to domestic chores, child and elderly care. They themselves are not confined inside the society's gender roles and expectations, they themselves want to be better and responsible human being better human beings and want their men to be that too. Those women want to earn and share the financial responsibility of the kids and the house. Why are so many men having a problem with this deal and why are they still trapping women by lying to them, assuring them that they would do all these and later going back on their words and blaming the women as impractical, idealistic, demanding, childish, high-maintenance, attention-seeking, slutty etc.? Why can't they just become those rational beings they claim themselves to be for once and either value the deal and keep the word, or, not make false promises and not ruin the women’s lives if they are not willing to? Why must they lie and manipulate and later blame women?




Written by M

Not the initial for Man/Male. After all, this letter is not only reserved for that. It's the initial of my name, and I am a woman.

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