3 min readAug 5, 2023


It's the same with every mainstream man I see. My manager tells us again and again about how he drops his daughter to school before coming to office, about how he "allowed" his wife do a job outside and agreed for a daycare for the child for which btw they both pay equally. He runs these repeatedly and expects us, the 2 girl "subordinates" under him give him a trophy of the ideal husband and father. Just like that, just for doing the bare minimum.

Another young co-worker of mine points out "lazy/irresponsible wives" of other colleagues. Why are you buying dinner from outside? Your wife again went to her parents? Why do you drop your kid to school? Why doesn't your wife do that?

So one day these guys were discussing a villain character from a story at the lunch table, and were going like how can the villain kidnap the wife of some other man (the hero). I couldn't bear it anymore and said, well kidnapping Any woman will be wrong, and that's not because she is someone's wife, but because she is a human being. And, they rolled their eyes.

At another lunch, that young colleague was saying how another one of our male colleagues was dancing with a female intern in an office party and how it made her boyfriend, who also interned here with her, livid. So, after sometime, he couldn't take it anymore and took the girl away. I asked, was the girl uncomfortable? He said, well I don't know about that, but it was really awkward for us to watch the dude getting henpecked. I didn't say anything else, I was afraid I might "ruin the atmosphere at the table" by trying to point out how they were objectifying her, and all the women they were talking about, and hence making us feel so belittled as women. And, btw that colleague who was dancing with the girl, is gay, but that's besides the point and surely the fact flies far above from their radar.

Then these guys went to the next topic, and started discussing when we, the two girls will marry. The manager told me that I don't look like I wanna get married. And, I said yes, I don't. He asked why. I said, because I don't and avoided the question. Because an honest answer from my side would cause both their heart attacks and my expulsion/sidelining. Then they asked the gay dude, why doesn't he marry when he has a girlfriend.😅. Well, he always to his boyfriend as his partner, but these people assume it's a girlfriend. So, he said that he is mentally married already, and we don't have equal marriage rights in our place. Then it was the other girl's turn and she said, "I want to marry, but I am pretty risk averse, specially when at this age already (25), I don't want any rush" and the manager said, "Well being risk-averse is good in your kind of job! But you see this is why people should marry early." And tbh, I didn't understand his reason the slightest. But, I talked back too much that day, so I, subconsciously went to the agreeable mode and said, " Yes, I also think that. Either you marry early, or don't." The misogynistic young colleague then asked, "How young are you talking about? Should I marry now? Marriage is so difficult for men!" And I was just saying internally, "Bitch, please don't marry, at least not with this mindset. Change first, see women as humans first, then marry. You might be 35-40 by then. But what's the rush? You still got a good biological clock then too, and unfortunately, given the socio-economic condition, you'll get plenty of women, no matter when you decide to marry! But not now, please! Don't ruin a girl's life, specially given you like women with an independent aura. But then you'll ruin her life, and she'll have to babysit you and your kid for the rest of her life, if she doesn't get a divorce afterwards and gift a much-better version of you to your second wife!"




Written by M

Not the initial for Man/Male. After all, this letter is not only reserved for that. It's the initial of my name, and I am a woman.

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