It's called putting words in the mouths of the dead. Hehe. The "glory period" that these people talk about doesn't have many people from it living in the current time. Those who are alive don't have the energy to fight these dirty tricks, so it's more easier to bs about the lives of the people 3 generations or more older than us.
So yes, even if almost all of them had no other way other than marrying, even if the women had no option to make a career and a life for themselves, even if a significant portion were raped in their marriages and didn't even have any support or escape system and had to bear minimum 5-6 children, even if they desperately dreamt of a brighter and much less cruel life for the future generations.... well, they are dead, mostly! So, now we can glorify their lives all we want.
But I am also "assuming" all these things, so where's the validity? Well, I am seeing the women around me, women from the last 2-3 generations, and they are not happy, and they tell similar stories, and they push our generation to stand on our own 2 feet, they even support many "radical" things like criminalizing marital rape, or, LGBTQIA+ rights, or women’s rights on their own bodies and right to abortion; they support their kids' decision of not marrying, or, divorcing. But who should listen to these "housewives" or the oldies just brainwashed by the “cancerous” feminism?
I wonder what could happen if there was an alternate world where nobody died? Or, after dying, everyone would be born again with full memories from their previous lives? Or, everyone's minds were interconnected? These kind of thoughts really fascinate me :)