It doesn't matter what one man, who as per you published an idea and thought process in his name, was a fraud or not. It is about all the people who feel in this way. Who gives you the right to call all of us, who respect and uphold the pronoun system as mentally ill or dilusional? Buddy, it's YOU who is delusional and dehumanizing. Please stop using a genuine example of a bulemic patient to support your imposing theory. I am a woman, I am a female too, and I very much support the pronoun system. Why you know? Mainly for 2 reasons. My pronouns is she/her/hers or they/them (I prefer the later when being generally addressed to as a mass/population, instead of being addressed to as he, or, being forced under the word "mankind" instead of "humankind", or, " kingdom" instead of "monarchy", or, " husband/wife" instead of "spouse") and I feel unseen, belittled and second-classed if someone is addressing me as "he". And, in the same way, I totally understand how dehumanizing it feels for anyone to be addressed by the wrong pronoun.
E.g., would you be very happy being addressed as "she"?