5 min readMay 15, 2023


In my country, bare breast is not allowed. But many men stare at breasts no matter what you wear. If the shape is kinda visible they will ogle, if it's covered with scarfs, layers or burqa they will ogle and try to guess how does the inside look. They will come from in front of you staring at your breast and when they are going past you, they will turn back and stare. Oh and touching and elbowing women's breasts is their favourite sport. I often feel I should have 2 emojis on all my clothes, one on each breast: one would be I'm watching, another will point at them. Seriously it is that distressing. Like dude/uncle, I'm here, look into my eyes if you want, why you think my breasts are some objects you can ogle? Every other day I wait for only 5 mins outside my friend's society for her to arrive, so that we can go together to office, and I feel the burnt everyday. Boys, guys of my age, uncles... men from every age and kind will stare. To tell the truth, I feel some of them mistake me as a pick-me-up woman!!! I really can't fathom their thoughts. Men standing at street for hours is juat fine, but women doing the same get stares. Everyday these and thousand other things remind me that I'm a woman in a man's world. We women tolerate these but can't speak up. Because people love to blame the women and their clothes for this men's sports, but all the women inherently know and experienced that it doesn't really matter what they wear. Hell, my mom, who wore sarees, was not spared too. What are these people even talking about? They will blame the girls and just push them from the outside world into the confinement of home. This thing happens so frequently... Guys molest and rape women, and then homes and hostels put curfew on women. If women demands justice, they are punished by discrimination, and even expulsions in many cases. Then there is politics on women's clothing (just a tiny part of politics on women's lives). Hindu politicians recently pushed many muslim girls away from school because they were wearing burqa. Now, muslim community will rather lose the woman than let her lose her burqa, and also many women wear it out of choice. So the result was that these women lost the chance of an education and all the oportunities that come from that. Does anyone give a thought about that? Wth? To hell with women's lives!
People in the world search for another natural thing on women's clothings, her nipples, and if even a hint is there, they will slut-shame her, and will think of that as an indication that she is excited and will assume that they can now assault her. First of all, I think many of them don't even know that nipples are not like their penises, it's not a primary sex organ, and it is always more or less perky. Secondly, how can they just assume even if an woman if sexually excited, they can assault her? I really don't understand.
And then these days another new oppressive trend has come, women with large breasts are mocked for the assault. As if, women have the power to reduce and increase their breast sizes and they do that to seduce men. Many women are provoked to do breast reduction surgery, not because of health issues, or their personal choice, but because their families and partners deem it fit. And many women, who are wanting to do it, are being restricted by the family too.
People always try to contain women's movement giving the excuse that it's for their own good, to keep them safe. But what kind of logic is that? Women are humans too! We got the same rights and liberty to roam around the world, the country, the streets, jungles, the neighborhood! The danger comes from men, so society should restrict their movements, install good security system, and not restrict women! Hilariously, women are compared with a box full of jewelry, so if you keep that open, it's common sense that thieves will rob, right? I won't even go on try to reason out from this very weird and insulting comparison. But would give another comparison instead: Men and boys are like triggerless guns. So society shouldn't keep them free, because they have the potential to harm women, so they should be kept locked up inside house. This should make sense to all the people who makes sense from the first one.
And secondly, society is constantly objectifying women, comparing women with lifeless assets, men's properties, a mere body with a fuckable organ, an womb and a pair of breasts, a domestic chore machine, an emotionless animal who is born to a family and can be given away to another family via marriage, but an overly emotional lump of nerves when it comes to valueing their ability to serve and live as a fully functioning human being in the society...; but when some actual human beings are identifying themselves with not lifeless objects, but merely having a different gender identity and sexual orientation than what is imposed on us by the society at childbirth, then this very society is having a problem. That identity is coming naturally to them, from inside, but society somehow is finding that unnatural, against the rule of god and nature and blah blah blah.
And lastly, many men argue that if a woman is not sufficiently covering up their breasts, men got the rights to stare at them (just like assaulting a muslim woman without burqa to teach her that without it, "bad men" will assault them) . The thing is, as I said, many men do stare at them no matter what the woman is wearing, and literally no action is taken against them, even if there's a law (in most of the cases, there isn't). And secondly, they compare the ogling of theirs with women checking out men. But the thing is that in the second case, there's no potential danger to men, women are not physically more strong than men, nor are they the majority of people in the street or the law, religion and decision making room. And most importantly, there's no world-wide culture teaching women to score as much men as they can, nothing is telling them the men are of 2 kinds: men of your home, whom you protect, because if anyone harms them they are not only harming your loves ones, they are tarnishing your pride. And all the men outside your home are to be treated as objects, stare at them, play with them, do whatever you want, specially when they are not acting and living like a touch-me-not plant. But men are taught, all of these, by and large. So them staring at breasts pose threat to women. So no sensible person would actually compare 2 completely different things.




Written by M

Not the initial for Man/Male. After all, this letter is not only reserved for that. It's the initial of my name, and I am a woman.

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