If thai women want to marry some American men, that's good! It'll reduce the number of angry young men running around everywhere and cursing women for not picking them up!
Actually now, any woman who wants to take any man from any culture are most welcome! In India too, here are many angry spiteful men cursing and harassing single women, many are even trying to being this matter into politics, there's some ridiculous but dangerous things going on like many single men will vote you if you can arrange for their brides. So in case, your friends want some Indian men too, come here and take them away!
Take one for the team woman, if you are really willingly doing this, many women will thank you! You'll be instrumental in solving the birth-rate decline crisis too, because like any other matter, in this case too, nobody is willing to see why women are not getting into relationships or not marrying, but everybody is blaming women for becoming "more and more irresponsible, anti-cultural", individualistic etc. for not pushing out at least one or two babies.
Cross-cultural relationships are a bit tricky, specially if you have a relatively powerful family supporting you from behind, there's less chance the man will harass you in the relationship, but they might just take off, so if you are prepared for that situation, everything's great! Go for it, take the man and make him a part of your family. This might give way to a more natural society of matrilocality too, in the future. It's completely win-win.❤