2 min readAug 17, 2023


I went to see the movie with my friend. Both of us are girls. When the movie was finished, I asked her about her impression. She said she felt so bad for Ken. And just that. I said, yes, he is lost now, so he'll need to find himself outside his relationship with Barbie. It's not her fault she doesn't want to be with him. She should not be guilt-tripped and emotionally blackmailed into having a relationship with him (My friend thinks that it's kinda okay. Her first relationship was like that, she was guilt-tripped into it by a "friend" at our college, who by the way, at our first year at college, was just throwing the offer of being his girlfriend to any girl he could find (I wonder why we are two-faced and call such a girl a slut but such a guy pretty much normal. Not that slut-shaming is right, or people who behave like this should be called that. But this behavior, irrespective of gender is shallow and frivolous). And then, he took the chance of her loneliness (for various reasons like first time very far away from home, at a place with people spoke different language from hers and did not welcome her as a friend) and her innocenece and made a "relationship" out of it. She tried to convince me to date a similar kind of guy (suddenly tried to pocket me out of nowhere, in technical colleges, with very few girls and lots of boys, it's just a thing where the guys constantly objectify and try to bag the girls as a trophy, without any feelings or anything) from our batch too, luckily I was already hardened enough by life and just went on ignoring it till the end.)
Back to the movie. 😀. So I also said I would really love to see a sequel where Ken discovers himself outside the boundaries of patriarchy and patriarchal stereotypical and indoctrinated relationships. He will be truly free too, then. She kinda rolled her eyes, and may be even called me an emotionless misandrist in her mind (because she often misunderstands me like that after hearing my opinions on movies, and life in general), and said a sequel is not probable. But now, hearing a similar opinion feels really great!




Written by M

Not the initial for Man/Male. After all, this letter is not only reserved for that. It's the initial of my name, and I am a woman.

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