I want to chime in here. It's not true guys don't care about women's money. From my experience, all the guys I know (my father was an exception, but then again, his family chose a very docile looking and very hardworking and devoted woman from a very poor family and then used her all they could. my father himself wasn't bad in that sense, he didn't manipulate her, but yes, he took out all his frustration, all his anger, all his insecurities on her) always marry the richest woman (yeah, they also want a homemaker woman, but they choose the woman from the richest family they can get their hands on, they take money from that family. Some of the men want women who hold down a job but simultaneously wants her to care of his home and family too, adjust her life as per his career choices and his wants, mostly without him doing his rightful share of unpaid domestic and care work.
You know what, I actually want a guy who is not that busy working outside home, but instead eagerly like to do more unpaid work at home, taking care of family etc. I am willing to financially support them. But people call me stupid, impractical, weird and masculine for these wishes. So many times I heard comments like "then you won't get any guy", " you better marry an orphan because no family will give up their precious son", "only an unmasculine man will agree to your terms", " such a man will abuse you or cheat on you and you will be the one to blame", "are you sure you are not a transgender man" etc. from so many people. And even if I ignore these comments, I have enough experience to suggest me me earning more than a man and demanding domestic care from the man will not end up in a happy relationship. My mother didn't ever demand anything monetary from my father. She always was self-sufficient, she educated me, with her own money. But my father has always been insecure my mom will leave her and he made our life at home hell starting from my early teenage years, verbally abusing my mom, even me sometimes, these altercations often resulted in physical struggles, memories of these still shakes me up. Now even if I earn and financially support my parents, grandparents, even now he sometimes create problems at home, hurls curses, all because of his hurt male ego. It's sad but funny how my father blames my 73 year old maternal grandfather for not earning for himself and depending on my mother, while my grandfather blames my father for depending on my mother inspite of being an able-bodied man. This is sad and funny because neither my mom nor me want or ask them to work, to financially support us, we don't believe in gender stereotypes, but these guys are too self-absorved in their society-taught male ego and their "duty of being a provider". All I hear from these men is that women should adjust to men's terms, and adjust their lifestyle well within their income and stay happy. But if the woman demands more, and wants to earn it by themselves and is totally okay with the men financially depending on them as long as they don't become insecure, don't become abusive or sexually aggressive; the men mostly have a huge problem in that. So many times I have heard it's unmanly for men to move places with the women for the women's job and business purpose, it's unfeminine of a woman to even demand that. So yeah, when I have these daily experiences, hear these things, and they get scared or pessimistic to date the man of the background I want, it's not because I want his money, or, even that I want him to relate to me greatly, it's just that I don't see any statistically sound hope. And, I don't want to date or marry a man much richer than me too, I know from experience how it'll then take my controo away from my own life. So, yeah, in this social scenario, I think I'll be better off as a single cat lady (although cat is not exactly my future plan, I want to join and work for an orphanage and also against sex trafficking of kids).