I did not call you snobbish because you were using a lot of vocabulary, why would you automatically think that? Unless your motive was to intimidate the person in front of you with your knowledge of the vocabulary... Which I would believe you don't have. You were snobbish because for the first few comments, you didn't even go near the topic of discussion, sneered (your very first comment, also very illogical and victimy) and mocked (one of your entire comment was correcting me for the spelling of "divorce", I'm surprised it didn't occur to you it was a mistake. Or, did it occur and you didn't actually wanted to invest into a discussion but just wanted to "take the moral high ground" and hence getting an instant satisfaction of feeling the superior one). You were snobbish because then when you entered into the discussion, you ended it with how you were actually apparently setting a trap for me to get into by waiving sentences, and that I should just shut up because apparently I was fooling myself. Well, I called you snobbish because of all these. Not because of your English.
Lastly, we are far away from the topic, so let's be happy in our own shells and not go any further with this futile thing. You can not force someone to see your point or think about it if they are not prepared or willing to. So, bye.