In my country, there's no no-fault divorce, the best option is getting a mutual divorce but we all know how that works out in cases when a no-fault is the only option. So coming from this background, I really do understand the need of no-fault divorce, you know, and I have a relatively strong instinct so I understand when some article is playing the victim card (maybe semi-unknowingly at the best! even if a person says they are not, but we feel they are, we should consider our instincts too, because human minds are complex and most of us, can be really layered if we want to, if not fully consciously, then at least subconsciously), and when certain comments under it are actually gaining sympathy and support for banning the no-fault divorce in your law system. But the way people can convolute their logic is insane, you have to be extremely sharp, mindful and logical to make them confess that, which most of us are not, at least not all the times (I'm not at least). And I have seen enough of such articles and comments in Medium only, I tried to argue with this exact same thing once and it just went on and on. The way the guy was twisting things was insane and scary.
And sadly good logic alone is not enough, to maintain a law, you need enough people protecting it too, supporting it, understanding it's importance in their lives, in society etc., and you need money, power and connection too, at least to an almost equap level of your opponent. Most of the times, sadly we don't have these, and history goes on repeating itself, good laws fall, we struggle under the lawlessness, we again start to make new laws around the same thing, we struggle to make it legal for decades, if not centuries. It's tragic.