Hi John, I read many of your articles.
You mainly complain about how women want a tall, rich and handsome man and doesn't want to give others a chance.
But then again, you write vague comments like how a man should get to leave a marriage "without financial repercussion" if he doesn't like the stretch mark her wife got from giving birth to their child and you don't clarify even after being asked what exactly you mean by that "repercussion". Later you include this point in your article, but you twist the direction and write if a woman's husband doesn't want to have sex with her because she has stretch mark from pregnancy, many women will agree that she should get to leave that man without repercussions. But still when I comment under your article that legally there's no gender bias in who pays the alimony (the richer one pays when the poorer one helped into their success) and there is no revenge or spite factor determining the alimony too, you don't reply. One should conclude from these ways of yours is that you are talking about those men who want to attract and date and get into relationships with shallow women who are only or mainly after men for their looks, riches and height etc., but then after these men lure those women in showing them their fat purse, they will then blame the women for being gold diggers, for going after their money only, for not being emotionally available or supportive at all, for upholding the toxic "men who cry and express emotions are weak men" bullshit. But that's not fair, is it?
I saw you just wrote another article referring to this particular one saying "Let the world burn" and there you write, "Basically it’s the same old bullshit from a women claiming that they shouldn’t have to care about men’s suffering and struggling. Even though some women claim that they want men to open up emotionally, apparently they would rather men to keep it to themselves when it’s inconvenient for them (the ladies). Go figure."
I have to ask you, have you read this very short article entirely? Because here although I found this writer is a bit oversimplifying things not factoring in the toxic women who also mock many men into suppressing their feelings and tears; nowhere she wrote things like women prefer men to keep it to themselves when it's inconvenient to women. Instead she wrote, men's struggle aren't women's responsibility or concern specially when they try to manipulate women with the empathy they think all women have for them.
I would give you an example of this. One example from many I have been burdened to experience even within my very short span of life so far. When we entered college, there were very few girls and the boys were playing games to "pick the girls up". One senior guy, from the very first day of college, gave several girls an open offer of being his girlfriend in exchange of him making these girls score more in exams. The audacity, but yeah, that's besides the point here. So this friend of mine was very lonely away from her hometown, also among kids from some other state alienating her, she gave in to his repeated try of being her friend. He went on dumping all his sad life stories on her, how his father is violent on his mother, how people in his friend group alienate and pity him for that, how he thinks the girl in her batch beat him in exam score by sleeping with a senior guy (yeah, again, the audacity, and the belittlement); and he didn't care she was also going through a tough time because her father was also doing some batshit like cheating on her mother, her mother going into a dark zone.
He never helped her learn her subjects well, but yeah, sucked up every once of positive energy and enthusiasm from her in his own pursuit of academics. She used to even do his assignments for him, he tricked her into believing she will learn better fucking LaTeX in that way. And he went on trying to be her boyfriend, my friend gave in (she shouldn't have, because she was not attracted to him, but this guy told her how why she know if she doesn't try to be in the relationship).
But then he started getting very controlling, shouting at her if she didn't want to spend time with him, if she wanted to go out with other friends, specially the male ones, slut-shaming her, and then after each episode, crying his eyes out on her feet blaming his abusive father for this behavior of his, and begging her not to leave him. After some months, she couldn't take it anymore, even her parents noticed she was going into a dark zone, depressed and afraid of him. I remember how she used to come hide in my room, he called and called her, messaged her abusive things, saying she is ruining her lives, he is contemplating suicide. Yeah. I told her to go talk to his mom, but then thought she will simply just blame my friend for "seducing her golden boy into her life and ruining him", because we remember how she called her all these actually along with saying she was too dark-skinned when these two were in a good shape of relationship. So long story short, this guy luckily got a scholarship and went to your country to do PhD. My friend heaved such a long sigh of relief. But he didn't stop there. He kept on messaging her about how he showed her picture to his new friends and they said why was he so obsessed over such a black girl, about how apparently his university psychiatrist said if not for her, he would have done better in his academics. Yeah. He forgot how it was he who forced himself into her life. And now, she is to blame. Now, luckily he blocked her. And, we, the other unblocked friends could see, how that very "suicidal" guy who was going to die if my friend was leaving him entered into another relationship within 3 months.
So, this is the most vanilla example of emotional manipulation I have seen a guy do to a woman. He was clearly struggling with his shit, but he used women trying to get over that shit. And, no woman deserves that. If you read this comment, and then you once again go through this article here, now you might notice the writer is only talking about how she saw and experienced so many men using women, manipulating their good faith empathy for them, abusing them trying to get on top of their own shit, and let me tell you, such a method never becomes successful, you can't ever be happy and fulfilled travelling the easiest-seeming way, it just destroys you, and the people you use, and makes you more bitter and angry at women.