First of all, we should stop confusing alimony with maintenance. Alimony is an one-time huge pay, in India, under all the marriage acts, it's gender-neutral, and on divorce the ex-spouse with the higher income pay it to the other ex-spouse. Secondly, I don't know where you get the idea that feminists don't like women paying alimony to men. I am a woman and a feminist, and I am not against it at all. And thirdly, maintainance, which is a periodic pay from the man to his parents, children and ex-wife is as it sounds a bare minimum pay, only when the receiving person is unable to support themselves for a bare minimum lifestyle, and it exists only because our family structure has been and is patriarchal, money and property socially transfers from men to men, and women are socially pushed to do unpaid domestic work in the husband's family house, and are dependent on him financially. So when you are saying men are disadvantaged because of this law of supporting their ex-wife with this bare minimum in case she, after all try, is unable to, I would suggest we device a law where a man can duly pay the wife for all the domestic chore she did for his household, and the care she gave to his family while the woman pay him back for all the expenses he had for her. I would gladly accept that, given it's a fair judgement.