Exactly this. I hate hypocrisy. But unfortunately, at least 90% people (and many men will attack me for saying this, but all of these people were men) around me have expressed such hypocritical opinion. When quite a few of my woman friends and acquaintances accused few of their male friends of harassing them, publicly and privately, they almost always responded as the women were lying. But whenever I (or, someone else) brought issues like discrimination against transgender women into discussion, these same guys expressed their "concern" about women safety in bathrooms.
I am pretty young, and most of these guys too are young. I often think why are these people so twisted, and why do they call it "being realistic"? Why so many guys act humanely only when they are getting something in return and start harassing and abusing you the moment you stop that connection or you demand they stop misusing you or others. The #NotAllMen gang might come here to attack. But why, just why, so many men? I don't like to use logics of masculinity and cowardice in argument, because I don't believe in forcing people to conform to gender norms, neither do I like to shame people to do the right thing. But most of these guys only understand the language of masculinity and lack of it, unfortunately. If I could afford to confront them about their two-facedness, and still stay unharmed, I would ask, why are they being so pathetic and cowardly? Do they really think that makes them more of a man?