And what good really the few months and years in jail does? Or, worse a trial but no conviction? Now who protects the woman when the rapist is free? What happens to her life and livelihood? It's essentially hide and seek for women and rapists, you are safe only till you are not in the attention span of a rapist, the moment you comes to his notice, your life is ruined. Isn't it better to surveillance all the men very closely, because then the bad men will also be found out. But that sounds demonizing and dehumanizing to men? I am not being antagonistic, I kind of understand dude hoe that might feel to an innocent man, that's why I think the only solution other than this (monitoring) would be women and men living separately in different countries, and some countries be reserved for couples to go and have romantic and sexual relationships, then only those countries would need to be monitored closely.