And I thought about writing about most of the things you have written here, but I couldn't get myself to write those, it numbed me everytime.
Because it takes great strength to write about those feelings and realizations that are at play to literally limit all the women around me, including me. It's a LOT less painful to just not acknowledge these burning facts at all, not acknowledge how the whole system just works against women's happiness, fulfillment and freedom.
I see women in my office talking about either family life or career, and not even being able to think that both should be possible in the lives of the women; I see women around me (sometimes including me) worrying about how will their parents live without them after they are married and away to the husbands' house; I see the divide between the married and unmarried women, how many of the married women are suddenly having short tempers, baggy faces after marriage, and getting resentful about the unmarried women; how unmarried women are marking the married women as uncool and auntyfied (but hey, married men are always cool, just uncool to the wife, but she is a controlling biatch, that's why) and forsaking their company; how after marriage, many women's careers are suffering, or, just vanishes in many cases; how my mother and many other middle-aged women are lamenting about their unfulfilling lives, resenting their parents and the system or just blaming themselves without reason about how they don't have a career and a life, how empty and meaningless their lives have become; I see women who are taking advantage of the system and controlling their family and friends (2 of my aunts are like this), but somehow those same rules they talk about don't apply on themselves, but I also see how those women are actually weak women, who couldn't stand against their husbands' characterlessness and instead started pressurizing them for money, how their lives are just toxic mess, the husband beats them sometimes, call them names, and cheats on them, they emasculates these husbands if they are unable to bring the money they and their kids want, the kids resents the mother for being so tough on the father, and resents the father for beating mom up, but then themselves learn to continue that toxic domestic violence cycle as a normal thing of life..... Then I see how politicians are fighting between themselves standing on the grounds of women's lives, how they are saying things like women's place is at home, if women are participating in the running of the world outside home, they are somehow getting masculine and somehow that is a dangerous quality to a woman.
But it becomes very hard and emotionally tolling to talk or write about all these things. I think many of us women who don't think or stop thinking about how the system is there to mess us up are just avoiding the pain and despair it comes with acknowleding the system and it's all-consuming power over us. I equate this with how many women think about sexual assault/rape as their fault, because apart from the obvious societal practice of victim-blaming and the internalized misogyny telling us so, it's also about the fact that it's too painful to admit that we women have absolutely no control over when a toxic man from this toxic rape culture would take advantage of us. So, to avoid this feeling of utter helplessness, we would rather think we can avoid such assaults if we conduct ourselves diffetently (like many of my aunts and grandmas would say, women wearing "revealing" or "suggestive" clothes or married women not wearing sindoor, mangalsutra etc., or, women too friendly or too flirty with the boys are bringing it on themselves.).
So what I want to say is that kudos to you for writing this article, because for me to write such a thing would take immense strength.