And whose fault is it if some men go on "tolerating" the "complaining" of some women and continue to stay with them "against their wishes" only if the women have pretty faces? The women's? They "bewitched" the men? Oh the audacity of the women being born with pretty faces!
And secondly but most importantly, she is "complaining" because she faced these bs things from the men in her lives, she saw women around her face these bs things. She is not making up things in the air. Enough with you guys' bs tactic of calling an traditionally unattractive woman ugly and letting her know she will die alone with lots of cats if she complains about the shits she experienced from the men in her lives. Enough with you guys telling a pretty woman who is complaining about the shitty men-related experiences that if not for her pretty face, men wouldn't go anywhere near them. Enough with these bs. Listen and become a better version of yourself who don't put their baggage on women and then blame women when they try to get rid of that and you. We should all learn to take accountability and become respectable humans.