4 min readSep 20, 2023


1. Yes I fully realize that. but my point is we should work towards creating such a society where women will be less and less threatened and attacked in the first place, and that safety should not limit her freedom in any way. My problem is with the people who say men are the natural protectors and providers, so you just get a man, and stop blabbering about the general safety issue of women. What is wrong with that statement? Because with this very gender-stereotypical transactional mentality, we teach/tell boys/men that they are the "natural/biological" protectors and providers of women and children, and as they "naturally" bear that responsibility, they deserve to have "natural power, control and authority" over the women and children. So, basically instead of teaching with power come responsibility, we most teach with responsibility come power, and things go wrong. Many boys/men don't take rejection from women in a good way, find the women living in their own terms as audacious beings who don't know their place, and thinks that women owe them all the housework, cooking, care and nurturing and they (men) don't need to do their own share. And, many women assume that they can expect protection and providing from their husbands/boyfriends just like the way they want, because its men's natural roles, right? So, many would say, we should just correct what we teach. But, the problem is that our whole belief system is wrong. Men are not "natural/biological" protectors/providers, it's a role we as a patriarchal society created for men, and not necessarily with evil things in mind, people just think that it works. But clearly it doesn't, or, there's a better way of thriving as a society, using self-reliance, humanity, and more-humane, less-transactional mindset, and by doing away with these gender norms. Instead of protecting only their own family (that results in sad outcomes for other people/family so many times, e.g., the very nice and homely guy who works hard for his family and lives among affluent people, and votes for the parties which bring policy to decriminalize domestic abuse, marital rape, criminalizes abortion, sex-work (such a simple-minded guy, he can't even think that forcing women into abortion would never stop, it just takes away women's autonomy, their agency. human-trafficking and forceful sex-work would not stop, but that policy just accomplishes endangering the vulnerable women even more), if men (and, yes, women) work on making the society safe in the first place, that would be much better and more effective.

2. Yes of course 2 income is better than 1 income. But how does that exactly retain the concept that men are the providers? It doesn't! Women are equal providers too. And, apart from families needing as much source of income as it can have, women have their own dreams and aspirations too, so all the career options should be equally open and welcoming and rewarding to women as they are to men.

3. If you think (and you kind of think, as I got from your comment) that the set-up where a woman is the homemaker and the man is the bread-winner is an ideal set-up or that is how things should be because that is only natural, and women are also out of the reach of capitalism in that way, you are not thinking at all, you are just repeating the belief so engraved inside us since we were kids. There is nothing natural with these gender-roles, and women, who are pushed towards being housewives mostly, even today, in most part of the world, are ones among the biggest victims of capitalism (the others being the poor people, which is like around 70-80% population in the world). Women are not given the choice of choosing their own life path, being financially independent, and are blackmailed into believing that if they want a safe haven for their kids, a good memorable childhood for them, or, a safe life for themselves, they must marry an affluent man and become homemakers, well mostly. But, what is a better alternative? No gender-roles, no gender-role based expectations, or, guilt trap. Women should never taught or conditioned to be financially dependent on a man (well, rich women have that luxury, so they can keep on sucking blood from the rich men who in-turn use them), men should taught to be nurturing too, equally responsible and willing to do childcare, elderly-care and household chores, and the transactional way most of the relationships and marriages work till date should be discouraged. Everyone should be their own protector, their own provider and their own nurturer first, and not expect these things from others based on gender, and not use these "natural order" concepts to take advantage of others/harm others too.




Written by M

Not the initial for Man/Male. After all, this letter is not only reserved for that. It's the initial of my name, and I am a woman.

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